Wellness is unhealthy. Wellness was defined by regulators, and is always required. It is anti-wellness. At both of my residencies, we were required to attend Wellness events throughout the years. They were always at night. They always involved people scheduling and creating
I remember when I started fellowship, I thought that I knew more than non-intensivists about critical care, even though I hadn’t really paid my dues yet. I had started learning, of course, and was well-read and knew some of the more active
I had an extremely challenging day in the operating room a long time ago in a HIPAA-compliant hospital far away (as always, names/sex/surgery/dates/specific clinical situation changed so the meaning is the same, but the situation is not identifiable). Challenges with intubations, ventilation
My goal lately? Simply, to be a better person. This week I’ve been trying to do that by decreasing my phone time. This means a lot of things. I’m not crazy – I use my phone for a whole bunch of things,
Life planning. Ugh. What a hit to my sense of immortality, and recognition of aging. I have recently been on a kick to plan for “our estate,” or whatever it’s all called. Setting up disability changes and determining our life insurance goals
I have slowly learned to transition my thinking about Medicine. Medicine is very all-encompassing, particularly during medical school and training. These are critical years of life, and medical school takes a lot of focus! At the time, I was jealous of my
Today marks the 10th week mark without any weeks spent in the ICU. While my wife says I’m crazy, I still feel somehow absent when I’m gone for too long. I wonder if I’m falling out of practice – if I’ll miss